At Fact + Fiction (formerly GymTote) we're all about multi tasking. These are fave hairstyles to wear to the gym and beyond! All these styles require minimal utensils and are pretty easy. But if you do need to carry your straighteners, you can rest assured that our range of tote bags and backpacks are roomy enough to accommodate them as well as your change of clothes, shoes and handbag essentials!

Wrapped Pony
We're all about updating a classic. Gather hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic. Take a piece of hair from the bottom and pull it out of the elastic, then twirl the hair and wrap it around the base of the ponytail, covering the elastic. Secure with a kirby grip or tuck back into the elastic.
Soft Bun with a Spin Pin
If you want to wear your hair down post workout and don't want to (can't be bothered in our case!) to wash it - this style will leave your hair kink free. Twist hair into a coil. Take the Spin Pin to the last bit of hair and twist it into the coil as close to the scalp as possible.
High (messy) Plait
We love this style for everything from yoga to date night. You can do a loose version, french plait version or a high styled version. Our fave is a messy loose version because its so quick and looks effortless and elegant. You just need two clear plastic bands, Tie hair into a high pony and pull it back and forth to create some looseness. Then plait in a loose plait and tie 3/4 way down or at the bottom. You can even pull out a few strands here and there to accentuate.
Wrapped Pony
We're all about updating a classic. Gather hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic. Take a piece of hair from the bottom and pull it out of the elastic, then twirl the hair and wrap it around the base of the ponytail, covering the elastic. Secure with a kirby grip or tuck back into the elastic.
The Braided Up-do / Pony
This takes time but once done you can leave it in for a few days (As long as your workout is not too sweaty). Divide hair into three sections. Tie the center bit and left section so they are out of the way. French braid the right section. Here's how - 1. Divide the section into three pieces. 2. Take the right piece over the center piece, then take the left piece over that piece. Add a bit of hair to what is now the right piece and cross it over the center piece, and so on, until you have reached the back of your head. Secure braid with a bobby pin. Repeat with other side section of hair, then braid the center section. Gather all your hair into a ponytail or bun.
Messy Bun
Reportedly Meghan Markle's fave style. Great if you want your hair to be wavy post gym or your not bothered about kinks. The hunt for the perfect messy bun is on a par with the perfect avocado. But once you know how they are easy to master! There are two versions of this. The actual messy bun (our fave) and the styled messy bun. For the actual, just scoop your hair on top of your head and scrunch into a bun, then pull the bun a little loose by pushing it back and forth a few times. You can also pull out a few wisps from the front as well.
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